Menu tab

Generate Video

          This command enables us to record a route through a terrain either from a segment provided or by selecting a polyline drawn with the previous command.
          Clicking on the Video button will enable us to specify the name of the destination file, where the extension permitted is .mp4. The Surface button enables us to choose the model used to generate the terrain. Under Route we can select the segment or polyline to define the route in question.
          The route parameters are as follows:
·         Initial Station: the point at which the route begins.
·         Final station: the point at which the route ends.
·         Observer height: the height in meters above the road’s grade line.
·         Alignment Displacement: the transversal displacement on the alignment (negative to the left and positive to the right).
·         Travel speed: the speed at which the route runs through the terrain.
·         Direction: the direction of movement along the road (Direct from the initial station and Inverse from the final station).
In Video, we can select the frequency in images per second, and the estimated uncompressed size of the video file generated will vary in accordance with this parameter.
Accepting the window executes the View screen. The video will be shown on the screen while it is being generated, and we can change the viewing point by moving the mouse left, right, up and down.