SettingsSettings\GeodesyGeodesy\Projected CRSs

Projected CRSs

This shows the list of the projected CRSs included on the EPSG data base. It also allows the editing, deletion and creation of new user CRS.

Each line of the list gathers the CRS name and code separated by two points.



The drop down list of the section Data Source allows EPSG data consultation to be switched to user data and vice versa.



The Search By section allows the filtering of consultation data by Code, Name and Area. This latter option is only available for EPSG data. The zone name (continent, country etc) must be specified in English. The string to be searched must be entered in the box on the right and the  button pressed. If searching by code, this will only show the result if this same code can be found on the data base, whilst in the search by name and area, this will show all the CRS whose name or usage area contains the string entered.


By double clicking a CRS on the list its properties are displayed, Datum, Projection Type, Projection Parameters, Area of Use, Revision Date and Remarks.


It allows the creation of new user CRS. The data requested initially and which are common to all the Projected CRSs are:



Code: An alphanumeric string of up to 16 characters is allowed.

Name: An alphanumeric string of up to 64 characters is allowed.

Datum: It must be selected from the list shown by pressing the  button.

Map Projection: CRS projection type. The projections supported are:

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Transverse Mercator (TM)

Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP)

Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)

Oblique Stereographic



By pressing the Projection Parameters button, depending on the type selected, the following data are requested:


Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)



The UTM Zone must fall between 1 and 60.


Transverse Mercator (TM)



The latitude and longitude must be specified in decimal degrees and the False easting and False northing in metres.

The range valid for latitude stretches from -90° to 90° and for the longitude from -180° to 180°.


Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP)



The latitude and longitude must be specified in decimal degrees and the False easting and False northing in metres.

The range valid for latitude stretches from -90° to 90° and for the longitude from -180° to 180°.


Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)



The latitude and longitude must be specified in decimal degrees and the Easting of False origin  and Northing of False origin in metres.

The range valid for latitude stretches from -90° to 90° and for the longitude from -180° to 180°.


Oblique Stereographic



The latitude and longitude must be specified in decimal degrees and the False easting and False northing in metres.

The range valid for latitude stretches from -90° to 90° and for the longitude from -180° to 180°.

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